Shaykh al-Saduq on why Allah created the universe

 Shaykh al-Saduq states his belief in al-I’tiqadat page 93:

Allah created all that He created for himself and his Ahlulbayt- peace be upon them - and had it not been for them (i.e, the Ahlulbayt), Allah would not have created the heavens and the earth, nor Paradise nor the Fire, nor Adam nor Eve, nor the angels nor anything of what He created. May Allah bless them all.

وأن (4) الله تعالى خلق جميع ما خلق له ولأهل بيته (5) - عليهم السلام - وأنه لولاهم لما خلق الله السماء والأرض، ولا الجنة ولا النار، ولا آدمولا حواء، ولا الملائكة ولا شيئا مما خلق (6)، صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين.