To what extent is Husn al-Dhan mandated regarding a Shi’i brother?

 (Al-Kafi, vol 8, page 147)

Sahl ibn Ziyad, on the authority of Yahya ibn Al Mubarak, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Jabla, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Fudayl, on the authority of Abu Al-Hassan I (peace be upon him) who said: 

I said to him [the Imam]: May I be sacrificed for you, a man from my brothers - I am informed about him ascribing to a the thing that I hate, so I ask him about it and he denies it. 

However, a trustworthy people informed me of this information about him.

He [the Imam] said to me: O Muhammad, deny your hearing and your sight as liars -  regarding your brother. 

Such that if 50 people testify (and swear by Allah) against him - and yet, he tells you a word [denying their claims about him], then believe him and claim they (the testifiers are liars).

Do not publicize/spread anything against him which brings him disgrace and and destroys his honor, lest you be one of those whom God said in his book: Those who love that immorality spreads among those who believe will have a painful punishment”

125 - سهل بن زياد، عن يحيى بن المبارك، عن عبد الله بن جبلة، عن محمد بن الفضيل، عن أبي الحسن الأول (عليه السلامقالقلت لهجعلت فداك الرجل من إخواني يبلغني عنه الشئ الذي أكرهه فأساله عن ذلك فينكر ذلك وقد أخبرني عنه قوم ثقات فقال لييا محمد كذبسمعك وبصرك عن أخيك فإن شهد عندك خمسون قسامة (2) وقال لك قولا فصدقه وكذبهم لا تذيعن عليه (3) شيئا تشينه (4) به وتهدم بهمروءته فتكون من الذين قال الله في كتابه: " إن الذين يحبون أن تشيع الفاحشة في الذين آمنوا لهم عذاب أليم (5)