Classical scholars on number of Imams killed

Shaykh al-Saduq

Shaykh al-Saduq believed that 11 Imams - from Imam Ali until al-Askari - had all been killed, through the sword or poison.

(al-I’tiqadat, page 98)

And the Commander of the Faithful - peace be upon him - was killed by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam, may God curse him, and he was buried in al-Ghari (Najaf)

Al-Hasan ibn Ali - peace be upon them - was poisoned by his wife Ju’da bint al-Ash’ath al-Kindi, he died in that.

And Husayn bin Ali - peace be upon them - was killed in Karbala, and Sinan ibn Anas was his killer, may God curse him (1).

And Ali ibn al-Husayn, the master of worshippers - peace be upon him - was poisoned and killed by al-Waleed ibn Abd al-Malik.

And al-Baqir, Muhammad bin Ali, - peace be upon them - was poisoned by Ibrahim ibn Walid and killed by him.

Al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, was poisoned by al-Mansur and killed by him (2).

And Musa ibn Jaafar - peace be upon them - was poisoned by Harun al-Rashid and killed him him.

Al-Ridha, Ali ibn Musa - peace be upon them - was killed by al-Ma'mun with poison.

And Abu Jaafar, Muhammad ibn Ali - peace be upon them - was killed by al-Mu'tasim with poison.

And Ali ibn Muhammad - peace be upon him - was killed by al-Mu'tadid (3) with poison.

And al-Hasan ibn Ali al-Askari - peace be upon him - was killed by al-Mu’tamid with poison”

وأمير المؤمنين - عليه السلام - قتله عبد الرحمن بن ملجم لعنه الله، ودفن بالغري.

والحسن بن علي - عليهما السلام - سمته امرأته جعدة بنت الأشعث الكندي، مات في ذلك.

والحسين بن علي - عليهما السلام - قتل بكربلاء، وقاتله سنان بن أنس لعنه الله (1).

وعلي بن الحسين سيد العابدين - عليه السلام - سمه الوليد بن عبد الملك فقتله.

والباقر محمد بن علي - عليهما السلام - سمه إبراهيم بن وليد فقتله.

والصادق - عليه السلام - سمه المنصور فقتله (2).

وموسى بن جعفر - عليهما السلام - سمه هارون الرشيد فقتله.

والرضا علي بن موسى - عليهما السلام - قتله المأمون بالسم.

وأبو جعفر محمد بن علي - عليهما السلام - قتله المعتصم بالسم.

وعلي بن محمد - عليه السلام - قتله المعتضد (3) 


والحسن بن علي العسكري - عليه السلام - قتله المعتمد (١بالسم.

Shaykh al-Mufid

Shaykh al-Mufid believed that are only 4 Imams whose deaths can be attributed to killing - with certainty. In addition to the death of Imam al-Ridha which can be suspected to be due to poisoning, due to strong but not conclusive evidence.

As for what Abu Jaafar al-Qummi (al-Saduq) - may God have mercy on him - mentioned about the passing of our Prophet and the imams - peace be upon them - with poisoning and killing, some of it is proven and some of it is not proven. What is sure is that Amir al-Mu’mineen, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn left dunya through being killed.

And from among those who died after them was Musa ibn Jaafar - peace be upon him - who died poisoned. 

And there is strong likelihood for al-Ridha (also being killed) - even if there is doubt.

However, there is no way to judge those other than these Imams that they were poisoned, assassinated, or killed patiently. Although such information incite people’s emotions (that 11 Imams were killed) - there is no way to be certain of it.”

فأما ما ذكره أبو جعفر - رحمه الله - من مضي نبينا والأئمة - عليهم السلام - بالسم والقتل، فمنه ما ثبت، ومنه ما لم يثبت، والمقطوع به أنأمير المؤمنين والحسن والحسين - عليهم السلام - خرجوا من الدنيا بالقتل ولم يمت أحدهم (6) حتف أنفه (7)، وممن مضى بعدهم مسموماموسى بن جعفر - عليه السلام - ويقوى في النفس أمر الرضا - عليه السلام - (1) وإن كان فيه شك، فلا طريق إلى الحكم فيمن عداهمبأنهم سموا أو اغتيلوا أو قتلوا صبرا، فالخبر بذلك يجري مجرى الإرجاف (2)، وليس إلى تيقنه سبيل (3) (4).