Ismail ibn Ja’far, part 2: A Disobedient Son?



Some websites have edited their old articles to add information from this article onto it. However, the research presented in my article is fully original


Ismail ibn Ja’far was disobedient, thus making him incomparable to his father and forefathers.

(Kamal al-Deen, vol 1, page 98)

I asked Aba Abdilah (al-Sadiq) about Ismail.

He said: ‘He is disobedient, and thus does not resemble me nor anyone of my forefathers

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل - رضي الله عنه - قالحدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن أحمد بن يحيى بن عمران الأشعري،عن يعقوب بن يزيد، عن محمد ابن أبي عمير، عن الحسن بن راشد قالسألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن إسماعيل فقال:

عاص، لا يشبهني ولا يشبه أحدا من آبائي.


The above hadith condemning Ismail as disobedient must be viewed in the context of taqiyya. Considering the assassination attempts against Ismail by the Caliph, the Imam disassociating from Ismail has benefit to his (the Imam’s) secret movement.

The hadith was said in taqiyya because Ismail’s disobedience to the Imam does not make him dissimilar from the Imam, not his forefathers.

The al-Kafi hadith in which Ismail is said to have disobeyed his father (al-Sadiq), is extremely similar to a hadith in which al-Sadiq disobeys his father (al-Baqir).

Both Imam al-Sadiq and Ismail plan to entrust goods to apparently a non-Shi’i, travelling to Yemen. This is despite believers saying this non-Shi’i drinks alcohol.

Their fathers instruct them not to entrust their money to an alcohol drinker.

Both al-Sadiq and Ismail disobey their fathers. (This does not affect al-Sadiq’s status because an Imam’s divine wisdom and infallibility in judgement comes after they assume Imamate).

Other similar parts of 2 hadiths highlighted below.

  • Hadith #1 - Imam al-Sadiq

(Al-Kafi, vol 6, page 397)

Abu Abdillah (al-Sadiq) peace be upon him, said: 

I wanted to sell goods to Yemen, so I came to Abu Jaafar (al-Baqir), peace be upon him, and said to him: I want to entrust Fulan with buying me merchandise, and he said to me: Did you not know that he drinks alcohol? 

 (al-Sadiq) said: The believers reported to me that (he does drink alcohol)

He (al-Baqir) said: Believe them, because Allah says: He believes in God and believes in the believers.

Then he said: If you sold him out, and your merchandise was tarnished or lost, it is not for you to God Almighty to reward you nor replace you. 

(Imam al-Sadiq says): After this, I gave him (the alcohol drinker) money for merchandise, and he lost it, so I prayed to God Almighty to reward me. 

Imam al-Baqir then said: My son, Allah will not replace you. 

I (al-Sadiq) said to him: Why?

He (the Imam said): “Allah says ‘Do not entrust the weak-minded with your wealth which Allah has made a means of support for you’, and you do know anyone more weak-minded than the drinker of alcohol?

وقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلامإني أردت أن أستبضع بضاعة إلى اليمن فأتيت أبا جعفر عليه السلام فقلت لهإنني أريد أن أستبضع فلانابضاعة فقال ليأما علمت أنه يشرب الخمر فقلتقد بلغني من المؤمنين أنهم يقولون ذلك فقال لي صدقهم فإن الله عز وجل يقوليؤمن باللهويؤمن للمؤمنين، ثم قالإنك إن استبضعته فهلكت أو ضاعت فليس لك على الله عز وجل أن يأجرك ولا يخلف عليك فاستبضعته فضيعهافدعوت الله عز وجل أن يأجرني، فقاليا بني مه ليس لك على الله أن يأجرك ولا يخلف عليك قالقلت لهولم؟ فقال ليإن الله عز وجل يقول: " ولا تؤتوا السفهاء أموالكم التي جعل الله لكم قياما (1) " فهل تعرف سفيها أسفه من شارب الخمر، قال:

  • Hadith #2 - Ismail ibn Ja’far

(Al-Kafi, vol 5, page 299)

Hariz said: Ismail the son of Abi Abdillah (al-Sadiq) had dinars and a man from Quraysh wanted to set out to Yemen, so Ismail said: O father, Fulan wants to set out to Yemen and I have some dinars do you think I should give them to him to buy me goods from Yemen? 

Abu Abdilah (a) said: O my son ,has it not reached you that he drinks alcohol? Ismail said: this is what the people say, he said: O my son, do not do that, but Ismail disobeyed his father and gave the dinars to him so he (that man) lost it all and did not give anything of them (back) to him.

So Ismail went out and it was decreed that Abu Abdullah, peace be upon him, performed Hajj and Ismail performed Hajj that year, so he began to circumambulate the House and say: O God, reward me or replace (my money). 

Abi Abdilah (al-Sadiq) held Ismail and said: It is not God you to reward or to replace (your money).

He (al-Sadiq) said: O my son, Allah says in his book: “He believes in God and believes in the believers” (9:61)

So if the believers testify to you, believe them and do not trust the alcohol-drinker with money. As Allah says ‘Do not entrust the weak-minded with your wealth which Allah has made a means of support for you’, and do you know anyone more weak-minded than the drinker of alcohol?”

38 - الكافيعلي، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن حماد، عن حريز قالكانت لإسماعيل بن أبي عبد الله دنانير وأراد رجل من قريش أنيخرج إلى اليمن فقال إسماعيليا أبه إن فلانا يريد الخروج إلى اليمن وعندي كذا وكذا دينارا أفترى أن أدفعها إليه يبتاع لي بها بضاعةمن اليمن؟ فقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلاميا بني أما بلغك أنه يشرب الخمر؟ فقال إسماعيلهكذا يقول الناس، فقال عليه السلاميا بني لاتفعل.

فعصى إسماعيل أباه ودفع إليه دنانيره فاستهلكها ولم يأته بشئ منها، فخرج إسماعيل وقضي أن أبا عبد الله عليه السلام حج وحجإسماعيل تلك السنة فجعل يطوف بالبيت ويقولاللهم آجرني واخلف علي، فلحقه أبو عبد الله عليه السلام فهمزه بيده من خلفه، وقال لهمه يابني فلا والله ما لك على الله هذا، ولا لك أن يؤجرك ولا يخلف عليك، وقد بلغك أنه يشرب الخمر فائتمنته.

فقال إسماعيليا أبه إني لم أره يشرب الخمر إنما سمعت الناس يقولون فقاليا بني إن الله عز وجل يقول في كتابه: " يؤمن بالله ويؤمنللمؤمنين 

يقوليصدق لله ويصدق للمؤمنين، فإذا شهد عندك المؤمنون فصدقهم ولا تأتمن شارب الخمر فان الله عز وجل يقول في كتابه " ولا تؤتواالسفهاء أموالكم " (1) فأي سفيه أسفه من شارب الخمر، إن شارب الخمر لا يزوج إذا خطب، ولا يشفع إذا شفع، ولا يؤتمن على أمانة، فمنائتمنه على أمانة فاستهلكها لم يكن للذي ائتمنه على الله أن يؤجره ولا يخلف عليه (2).