Imams doing taqiyya from their companions (classical + late scholars)


Shaykh al-Saduq speaks of why Imam al-Sadiq wore a black jubbah, symbolic of the Abbasid black banner.

When a group of Shi’a came to him and he did not trust them in keeping his answer secret (as to wearing black being forbidden on them), he gave them an answer in taqiyya. As clarified by Shaykh al-Saduq.

(‘Ilal al-Shara’ie, vol 2, page 347)

He (the Imam) wore it out of taqiyya. Indeed, he informed Hudhayfa ibn Mansur that it is the clothing of people of hellfire - because he trusted him.

Whereas a group of Shi’a came to him (the Imam) asking him about wearing black, and he did not trust them in keeping the secret so he excercised taqiyya on them.

قال مؤلف هذا الكتابلبسه للتقية وإنما أخبر حذيفة بن منصور بأنه لباس أهل النار لأنه إئتمنه وقد دخل إليه قوم من الشيعة يسألونه عنالسواد ولم يثق إليهم في كتمان السر فاتقاهم فيه.

Allama Majlisi:

(Bihar al-Anwar, vol 42, page 101)

These reports does not contradict what has passed regarding the story of the female jinni, because it is a hidden story which they (Imams) taught only the elite of their companions.

Thus, it was not used in argument against Mukhalifeen, and perhaps they (Imams) were wary of revealing such matters to even most of the Shi’a as well.

هذه الأخبار لا ينافي ما مر من قصة الجنية، لأنها قصة مخفية أطلعوا عليها خواصهم، ولم يكن يتم به الاحتجاج على المخالفين، بل ربماكانوا يحترزون عن إظهار أمثال تلك الأمور لأكثر الشيعة أيضا

Ibn Babawayh (father of al-Saduq)

(Al-Imama wal Tabsira, p 9-10)

Chapter: “The reasons of difference in narrations and causes of confusion and suspicion” 

“Because of the need for al-Ghayba, the reports expanded, and for the meanings of taqiyya and self-defence, the narrations differed. ‘And God would not mislead people after He guided them until He made it clear to them what they fear’.

And if it wasn't for taqiyya and fear, no one would have been confused, no two would disagree, and nothing of the teachings of God's religion - the Most High - would come out except on a word that does not differ and a letter that is not suspected.

أسباب اختلاف الروايات وموجبات الحيرة والاشتباه " فلأجل الحاجة إلى الغيبة اتسعت الأخبار، ولمعاني التقية والمدافعة عن الأنفس اختلفتالروايات " وما كان الله ليضل قوما بعد إذ هديهم حتى يبين لهم

ما يتقون " (10).

ولولا التقية والخوف، لما حار أحد، ولا اختلف اثنان، ولا خرج شئ من معالم دين الله - تعالى - إلا على كلمة لا تختلف وحرف لا يشتبه.